Louisville Lawyer, Rachelle Howell, is a zealous advocate for her clients. She is passionate, driven, and determined to see that justice is realized.
During her career, Ms. Howell has differentiated herself for helping real people with everyday legal problems. She knows how to communicate and empathize without "talking like a lawyer" and when the time comes, she is as fierce an advocate as one could hope for.
Ms. Howell has honed her craft as an attorney in Louisville and can help you navigate the legal system.
She has systems in place to handle your case efficiently and to ensure that you get the maximum amount of legal help for what you pay.
When it is time to hire an attorney in Louisville, look no further than Rachelle Howell and rest assured that you have made the best decision for you and your family.
Rachelle N. Howell has years of experience as a family law and divorce attorney, a personal injury attorney, as well as a criminal lawyer in Louisville, KY.
For more details on the types of cases that she can assist you with, feel free to continue reading or contact Rachelle N. Howell today!
When facing criminal charges, it's important that you are represented in court by a knowledgeable criminal attorney. Whether you're facing misdemeanor or felony charges, or would like to have a previous conviction expunged, Rachelle has represented clients with equal or similar issues over the course of her career and can help you, too. If you would like more information about the types of criminal law that she practices, please visit Rachelle's Louisville criminal attorney page.
If you have been injured in a truck, motorcycle, or car accident; lost a loved one due to someone else's negligence; or are experiencing negative effects of medical malpractice, you need to call a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Ms. Howell will pursue your claim without any cost to you before winning or settling your case. More information regarding her personal injury practice can be found at Rachelle's Louisville personal injury attorney page.
If you are seeking a divorce, fighting for custody of your child, or dealing with any other family law matters, this is a difficult time for you and Rachelle knows what you're going through. She will fight to make sure that you and your family are treated fairly. For more information on Rachelle's family law practice, please visit her Louisville family law and divorce attorney page.
If you need help with any of the areas of criminal defense, personal injury, family law or divorce in Louisville, KY or the surrounding area (Oldham, Bullitt, Shelby, Spencer, Nelson, or Hardin counties), call today to make Rachelle N. Howell your Louisville lawyer. Evening and weekend appointments available.
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